When there are problems in a relationship, it can be hard to know what to do about them. In my experience, couples usually try very hard to save the relationship before there is a divorce, but they often don’t know what to do. It can be helpful to see a therapist and I recommend it. It’s cheaper than a divorce lawyer.
Every couple I have seen says their problem is “communication”. That’s pretty general, but it usually means that they are having the same fight over and over again and neither is feeling heard or understood by the other. They also don’t feel appreciated by the partner. Tempers flare quickly when there is a difficult conversation and nothing gets solved. Between fights, when they are getting along, they may begin to think things are getting better, and they are hesitant to bring up touchy subjects for fear of making things worse. But unresolved issues will come back up again and the cycle continues.
Therapy can help the couple resolve some issues by helping them talk to each other in such a way that they get to a resolution, or at least are able to manage the problem. It can teach the couple to avoid angry blow-ups that derail discussions. And it can help the couple rekindle the positive feelings that brought them together in the first place.